Published on by ALEX KEYA

When we enter into a new and exciting relationship, we tend to overlook any signs for potential trouble. If you are trying to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again, then you should watch out for those hidden signs that tell you that the person you are currently in a relationship with is not suitable for you.

If you’ve been with someone for whatever period of time and you feel like there’s something’s not right but you just can’t figure out what that is, here are a few obvious signs you are dating the wrong person that you should consider.

  1. They have no respect for your time.

The present is the perfect moment for them even if you are about to enter an exam room, catch a Matatu or go visit a sick individual. You do things that favour their schedule regardless of certain pending issues in your life that need to be addressed.

  1. They fight dirty.

They have “zero chill” when arguing with you, you dread arguments simply because you know of the cheap blows that will come your way, verbal diarrhoea is part of the fights and every fight crosses ever boundary possible always ending up hurting your feelings.

  1. Never genuinely sorry.

No matter how much they apologise you constantly feel like it’s not coming from a legitimate place and at the end of it they still convince you they were right all along. At the end, you wonder why they apologised in the first place.

  1. Your effort is never enough.

You constantly feel the need to prove yourself around them because they make you feel like you are not good enough and everything you do has a repetitive feedback that it either needs more effort, is half baked or could have been better.

  1. Always suspicious.

They constantly accuse you of violating their trust, suspicious of everything you do, accuse you of cheating, constantly going through your phone, simply an endless list of privacy violations against you.

  1. They behave like they are doing you a favour by dating you.

Everything in the relationship revolves around them, constantly reminding you of what they have done for you throughout the relationship, they remind you of your flows and how not many people can keep up with you and they behave like he is your saviour who has one mission in life and it is to save you from yourself.

  1. Do little to make you a better person

They don’t challenge you in any way or provide positive criticism where needed. You always feel like they either praise you too much or don’t praise you at all or they are always on your good side without any issues or avoids them like a plague.

  1. You constantly feel like they enjoy the sound of their voice more than yours

You always feel like you are simply not heard, misunderstood, silenced with a tape over your mouth, simply put your opinions are not valid.

  1. Personal space for them is a myth

They get suspicious if you seek to be alone and constantly feel the need to check up on you or go through your phone to see if you are cheating on them.

  1. They are emotionally immature.

They cannot handle negative emotions without finding blame even if you have nothing to do with their bad moods.

  1. They constantly put you down

They always disapprove your goals and dreams to the point you choose not to share anything with them simply because you know it will be shot down.

  1. Rarely notice anything different around you.

Unless you pull some major theatrics that would cause humanity to be on a stand still, they would never notice anything new about you from new clothes, new hairdo, a change of cologne yet everyone else seems to notice.

  1. No warm fuzzy feeling.

No matter how long I’ve been with a person, I always want that fuzzy feeling and if I don’t feel it, I always see it as a red flag that something’s not right. If the sentimental attachments are no longer in your radar maybe it’s time to move on.

  1. Their main focus always seems to be you.

When you bring up subjects like goals, dreams, aspirations they seem to have no idea. They confuse you with how they are focused on building the relationship but in real sense there is no future with them.

  1. You feel like a possession around them

They seem not interested in you as a person but for a specific purpose in their current life situation and once that situation lapses they will move on.

  1. Intellectual and sexual differences.

Each one of us was created uniquely & hence cannot agree on everything but there are certain fundamental things that are important you agree upon. But unfortunately your differences make you feel like you are constantly on two different pages, on two different books, placed on the opposite ends of the library.

  1. Not dependable.

They are the last person to think of calling when in an emergency simply because they have never shown any symptoms of reliability.

  1. You see no future together.

The thought of a future with them simply sends a chill down your spine, the sense of apocalyptic doom upon your bright future shatters

  1. They are unapologetically disrespectful to your friends and family

Anyone who disrespects your friends and family has no respect for you no matter how much they justify why they did it, It is simply wrong. I personally defend my Inner circles viciously because i know the harm it can cause if it’s not addressed at the initial stages. this person will confuse you with words like “it’s us against the world babe” but in real sense, you should have dumped them the first time they disrespected anyone in your inner circle.

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