Published on by ALEX KEYA

Vegetables and fruits are reach sources of fiber.

Vegetables and fruits are reach sources of fiber.

Dietary fiber has many benefits and is an important part of a healthy diet. Found primarily in fresh vegetables, fruits and whole-grain foods, fiber is also called roughage or bulk. It is indigestible and classified as either insoluble or soluble. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in liquid, as its name suggests, while soluble fiber dissolves in water to produce a gel. Leafy green vegetables, whole grains and wheat bran are good sources of insoluble fiber, while citrus fruits, bananas, apples, legumes, oats and barley are rich in soluble fiber.

Fiber promotes weight loss

Think about that lack of satisfaction when you eat a refined flour product it may taste good right when you eat it, but you're starving soon after. Since fiber takes longer than refined carbohydrates to digest, it results in your feeling full longer and ultimately eating less. Additionally, foods rich in fiber, particularly fruits and vegetables, are usually lower in calories than refined foods and provide a bevy of other nutrients, including antioxidants. Fewer calories with more nutrients mean healthy weight loss.

Fiber is good for your heart

Foods rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber to boost heart health. Soluble fiber, which is found in oats, beans, peas and citrus, has been associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease because it lowers cholesterol. Insoluble fiber, which is found in whole grains, wheat bran, cruciferous vegetables and carrots, has been associated with decreased cardiovascular risk and slower progression of cardiovascular disease in high-risk individuals.

Fiber deters Type 2 diabetes

A high-fiber diet can prevent and manage Type 2 diabetes by promoting healthy blood sugar and insulin levels. Because fiber promotes weight loss, it can help prevent Type 2 diabetes, and, for those with diabetes, fiber helps control blood sugar levels because it slows absorption of glucose. Eating nutrient-dense, fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables and talking to a dietician about the healthiest way to incorporate these foods into your diet.

Fiber combats cancer

Filling up on fiber can reduce your risk of many types of cancer, particularly cancers of the colon, small intestine, stomach and esophagus, as well as breast and ovarian cancers. Fiber benefits the digestive system because it acts like a broom, whisking toxins through the body while foods high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, are also high in antioxidants and potent in fighting cancer.

Fiber improves your diet

If you replace the nutrient-poor refined flour products and processed junk foods with fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts, you will drastically improve the quality of your diet. A healthier, high-fiber diet means more energy, brain health, beautiful skin and hair and a reduced risk of many chronic ailments, including gallstones, kidney stones, digestive problems, skin conditions, joint pain and other diet-related conditions.

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